Caffeine in coffee vs chai tea

Caffeine in coffee vs chai tea.

Caffeine in coffee vs chai tea

Everyone has their taste, few like coffee, and the rest like tea, and it's completely their choice in choosing their beverage. Coffee and tea have been in use for thousands of years for their taste, benefits, and caffeine additions. There are a quite lot of varieties of tea and coffee. The usual content of caffeine is low in chai tea when compared to coffee. 

Coming to the caffeine content in chai tea and coffee depends on various factors, like the ingredients used, brewing way, water concentration, milk concentration, and more. However, it is always the coffee that has more caffeine content when compared to chai tea. 

In general, a regular cup of coffee contains caffeine around 95mg of, and the same cup of chai tea contains about 30 mg of caffeine. These values can change based on your requirements and preference for the beverage. 

For instance, coffee made through espresso contains more caffeine than regular drip coffee, as the method of brewing is different and the same way is applicable to chai tea also. And there is certain chai tea such as herbal tea that doesn’t have any caffeine in them.

Is caffeine good or bad for you?

The answer is both yes and no, and it also depends on your personality too. There are certain health benefits of caffeine consumption and side effects as well. People who consume caffeine on regular basis in limited quantities are prone to less likely to develop cardiovascular problems. Below listed are the benefits and side effects of taking caffeine.

Benefits of consuming caffeine:

  • Improved mood
  • Enhanced performance
  • Keeps you active and focussed
  • Chances of reduced risk of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer's, and a few other diseases.
  • Improved cognitive function
  • Keeps you awake for longer periods

Side effects of consuming caffeine:

  • Insomnia
  • Disturbed sleep patterns
  • Increase in blood pressure and heart rate
  • Digestive problems 
  • Stomach upset
  • Headaches 

How much caffeine is too much?

The caffeine limit is not the same for everyone, it varies from person to person. You should consume caffeine according to your body’s caffeine-handling capacity. The caffeine consumption limit is also based on age, gender, and other external factors too. However, it is considered safe to not exceed the caffeine limit of more than 4 cups of coffee a day, which can be around 400 milligrams of caffeine per day. 

You always need to remember that consuming excess caffeine can have a negative impact on your overall performance. It causes anxiety, insomnia, and other neurological disorders. In a few cases, it is also observed that it can cause cardiac arrest, and seizures too.  

Who should avoid caffeine?

There are lot many cases where people should avoid caffeine. 

1. Pregnant women

It is believed that high dosages of caffeine during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage or premature birth and can have a negative impact on the baby. And women who are breastfeeding should also avoid caffeine because it can their breast milk and disturb the kid’s sleep patterns.

2. People suffering from anxiety disorders

Caffeine when consumed in excess quantities is known to cause anxiety issues. And individuals suffering from such anxiety disorders need to avoid caffeine to avoid further problems and difficulties in their present condition.

3. People with heart health issues

Caffeine when consumed increases the heart rate and blood pressure too. So people suffering from heart issues need to avoid caffeine intake to avoid further problems such as cardiac arrest and other cardiovascular problems.

4. People with digestion problems

Caffeine takes time to digest, and individuals suffering from digestive problems can face it hard to digest the caffeine content in their body, it worsens the digestive process. It is also known that excess caffeine consumption can lead to liver damage and digestive issues.

5. Children

Caffeine has a stronger impact on children and may be inappropriate for them to handle the caffeine content. It may lead to severe health issues in the future for them.

6. People suffering from sleep disorders

People who are suffering from insomnia and sleep disorder should avoid taking caffeine. Caffeine is known to keep you awake for longer hours. And taking caffeine when you are suffering from sleep disorders can worsen your situation.

Which is the best drink to have coffee or tea?

Drinking coffee or tea is always your choice. But you need to consider few things before opting for either tea or coffee. Both tea and coffee has caffeine in them. Although, there are certain benefits of consuming caffeine, there are side effects too. If you want the caffeine content to be more then opt for coffee and if you want to drink less caffeine beverage then opt for tea. But, if you want coffee and tea with no caffeine in them, then you need to try beverages that are made from natural herbs as they do in Breweda.

Take Away

Consuming tea or coffee is your choice. But the only thing you need to do is opt for a beverage that suits your interests and doesn’t have any possible side effects on you. Although tea and coffee have caffeine in them, drinking them in normal quantities won’t have any possible side effects. However, if you find to hard to choose your drink, consult your healthcare professional.


Is chai tea stronger than coffee?

Coffee is known to be stronger than chai tea.

Should I replace coffee with chai?

If you want to reduce the caffeine content, then you can replace coffee with chai.

Is it good to have low caffeine or high caffeine drink?

It is always suggestible to have a low-caffeine drink.


Is caffeine a friend or foe? By American Heart Association, Aug 8, 2022.

What is caffeine, and is it good or bad for health? By Healthline, Jun 3, 2020.

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